Colloque "Faire-valoir et seconds couteaux"

sidekick20143-4 octobre 2014

Université Bordeaux Montaigne - MSHA


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Vendredi 3 octobre / Friday October 3


8.30. Accueil des participants / Registration

9h00. Ouverture du colloque par les organisateurs Nathalie Jaëck, Directrice de l’EA 4196 CLIMAS, et Jean-Paul Gabilliet / Opening of the conference by Professor Nathalie Jaëck, head of the CLIMAS team, and Professor Jean-Paul Gabilliet.

9h15. Séance 1 : La revanche des seconds / Panel 1 : Sidekicks writing back

Présidente / Chair : Nathalie Jaëck

9.15 • Kristy Butler (Mary Immaculate College, Limerick)

Women of Empire: The Silent Sidekick and the Useful Underling.

9.55 • Ewa Rychter (Angelus Silesius College, Walbrzych, PL)

“We will call the damsel, and enquire at her mouth.” Re-writing Biblical Women in Contemporary British Novels.

10h35-10h50. Pause café / Coffee break

10.50 • Carolyne Hurlburt (Marquette U., Milwaukee, Wisconsin)

Wish You Were Here: The Absent Companion in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day.

11.30 • Aaron Carr & Lionel Larré (Université Bordeaux Montaigne)

Indian Sidekicks and American Identity.

12.10 • Laurence Machet (Université Bordeaux Montaigne) & Lee Schweninger (North Carolina-Wilmington)

"'Billy walked and I rode': John and William Bartram Roam the World Over."

12h50. Déjeuner-buffet / Buffet lunch

14h30. Séance 2 : Seconds et littératures de genre / Panel 2 : Genre sidekicks

Président / Chair : Jean-Paul Gabilliet

14.30 • Jeffrey Swartwood (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau)

Subverting sidekicks – inversions and instability in Kem Nunn’s Tapping the Source.

15.10 • Patricia Michael (Holy Family U., Philadelphia, PA)

Christopher Fowler’s Bryant and May: A Postmodern Version of the Sidekick/Hero Pattern.

15.50 • Aurélien Royer (Université Bordeaux Montaigne)

Les égarés de la narration dans Neverwhere de Neil Gaiman.

20h Dîner en ville

Samedi 4 octobre / Saturday October 4


9h30. Séance 3 : Politique et société : les numéros 2 / Panel 3 : Politics and Society : Number Twos

Président / Chair : Jean-François Baillon

9.30 • Pierre-Marie Loizeau (Université d’Angers)

Confusion à la Vice Présidence: la bataille du pouvoir entre Hillary Clinton et Al Gore.

10.10 • Christopher Griffin (ISEG Business and Finance School, Nantes)

When the second becomes number one: vice-presidential power in foreign and defense policy in the twenty-first century.

10h50-11h10. Pause café / Coffee break

11.10 • Anne-Lise Marin-Lamellet (Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne)

A working class hero’s sidekick is something to be: sidekicks and underlings in British social realist cinema (1956-2014).

11.50 • Nova Smith (University of Chicago)

Whose World Is It?: Hype Men, Hip Hop-Era Drug Films and the Death of the #2.

12h30. Déjeuner-buffet / Buffet lunch

14h00. Séance 4 : Valeurs des faire-valoir / Panel 4 : Following foils

Président / Chair : Yves-Charles Grandjeat

14.00 • Nada Kujundžić (University of Turku, FI)

Quirky Critters and Bumbling Blockheads: Sidekicks and Underlings in Walt Disney Animation Studio's Full-Length Animated Feature Films.

14.40 • Joie Bose (Techno India University) & Swarupa Chatterjee (Bangabasi Evening College)

Who Potter about Potter: Interrogating the Sidekicks and Underlings in Harry Potter.

15h10-15h30. Pause café / Coffee break

15.30 • Jean-François Baillon (Université Bordeaux Montaigne)

It’s alive and (side-)kicking ! Frankenstein’s double acts.

16.10 • Jenny Glennon (Birkbeck, University of London)

James Bond, Felix Leiter, and the ‘Special Relationship’ Between Britain and America.

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