Photography as Collaboration/ Collaborer en photographie - Online Seminar

Photography as collaborationONLINE SEMINAR, November 2020 – March 2021

Université Paris Est Créteil (IMAGER)

Université Bordeaux Montaigne (CLIMAS)

 [Left: Photographer Inès Elsa Dalal withKyra Simms & family.  © Curtis McNally]




This online seminar seeks to address collaboration and the spectrum of collective working methods which have defined and keep informing some of the independent practices in the field of photography in the 20th and 21st centuries. The focus is on the UK, France, and Australia, with a number of case studies envisioned in a comparative approach. The seminar includes panel discussions and talks with practitioners. It is free and open to the public. The sessions will be held as online events (French time). To register and receive a link to the online sessions, please follow this link.

You can also download this programme as a PDF.


Thursday 12 November 2020, 10-12.30 am: The politics of voice, visibility and identity

Chaired by Charlotte Gould, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle

Daniel Palmer (RMIT University, Melbourne) on Photography and Collaboration.

Tiffany Fairey (Kings College London): ‘A photography of becoming Re-imagining the promise of participatory photography through the image of young photographers from refugee and diaspora communities in the UK’

Anthony Luvera (Coventry University): ‘Charged with collaboration’


Friday 13 November 2020: 10-12.30 am: Photographers and collaboration

Maxence Rifflet (École supérieure des Arts et Médias de Caen/Cherbourg) : ‘Le ciel par-dessus le toit : photographier en prison’

followed by conversation with artists Inès Elsa Dalal and Leticia Valverdes.


7 December 2020, 5-7pm: Public display and distribution of collective projects

Louis Boulet (Université du Québec à Montréal/Université de Tours) : ‘Expositions monographiques: une spécificité photographique à contre-courant?’

Liz Drew (Birkbeck School of Arts, University of London): ‘Commercially Unavailable: The Distribution of Participatory Projects’


11 January 2021, 5-7pm: Archival and curatorial issues raised by collective practices

Chaired by Taous Dahmani, Université Panthéon Sorbonne

Charlene Heath (Ryerson Centre, University of York, Toronto) and Patrizia di Bello (Birkbeck School of Arts, University of London): ‘The Jo Spence Memorial Archive’

Carla Mitchell (Four Corners Gallery): “Re-activating the archive: how and for whom?”


1 February 2021, 5-7pm - Common spaces, remembering places

Abbas Nokhasteh, Moustafa Traoré, David Kendall (CUCR, Goldsmiths, University of London), Andrès Borda Gonzales: ‘Paris 19: Mobilité, Mémoire and Migration – Conversations, Dialogues and Boundaries of Engagement’

Andrea Eichenberger (NAVI - Núcleo de Antropologia Audiovisual e Estudos da Imagem, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil) : ‘La photographie comme pratique collective dans le cadre de la fabrication d’une mémoire visuelle d’un centre psychothérapique’

Tbc Stéphane Valognes, Pierre Guillemin, Quentin Brouard-Sala, Philippe Madeline, Université de Caen, et collectif Tulipe Mobile : ‘Atlas de la Manche/On est Loin des Amériques’


1 March 2021, 5-7pm -Collaborative structures, collective expressions

Lydia Echeverria (Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne) : ‘Créations partagées et participatives : nouvelles écritures photographiques au sein de l'agence Faut Voir et du collectif bar Floréal’

Adam Page (University of Lincoln): ‘The images in Shelter and charity campaigns’


22 March 2021, 1-3pm - The challenge of collaboration in photography education

Kelly Hussey-Smith (School of Art at RMIT University) and Angela Clarke (School of Art at RMIT University): ‘De-centering through world-centering: towards a pedagogy of co-creation in photography education’.

Megan Wellington Barratt (University of Sheffield): ‘Photographic education and the collaboration of resource sharing’.


Mathilde Bertrand, Université Bordeaux Montaigne
Karine Chambefort-Kay, Université Paris Est Créteil


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