Séminaires Intersections - vendredi 29 septembre 2023 (vidéo)

eleonora federici 27 sept 2022Gender and/in Translation: how SF can change our binary thinking

Eleonora Federici (M.A. e Ph.D University of Hull, UK) is Associate Professor of English Language and Translation Studies at the University of Ferrara. Her main research areas are: Translation Studies, LSP (languages for special purposes – specifically tourism and advertising), English language varieties, Gender Studies and Feminist Utopian and Science Fiction. She is currently the President of the Equal Opportunities and Inclusion Committee at the University of Ferrara where she teaches course on translation, gender issues and inclusion. She coordinated European projects on translation and memory and she has published books and articles in international journals.

Among her publications: Translating Gender (Peter Lang 2011), Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice in Translation and Gender Studies (2013 con V.Leonardi, Cambridge Scholars),
Quando la fantascienza è donna dalle utopie del XIX secolo all’eta contemporanea (2016 Carocci) Translation Theory and Practice Cultural Differences in Tourism and Advertising (2018 Loffredo), Gender issues. Translating and mediating languages, cultures and societies (con S. Maci, Peter Lang 2021), New Perspectives on Gender and Translation. New Voices for Transnational Dialogues (con J. Santaemilia, Routledge 2021)


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