Bertrand Mathilde, MCF, Civilisation Britannique

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Maître de conférences en civilisation britannique 20ème

Agrégée d’anglais


Spécialité / Research topics

Histoire de la photographie britannique 20e, photographie et militantisme 1960-1980, collectifs de photographes au Royaume-Uni

HIstory of Britsh photography 20th century, Photography and activism 1960(1980, Photography collectives in the United Kingdom

2013 - Thèse de doctorat : « Entre institutionnalisation artistique et invention d'une photographie indépendante politiquement radicale : étude des pratiques, dispositifs et théories critiques autour de la photographie en Angleterre de la fin des années cinquante à la fin des années quatre-vingt »

Doctoral dissertation : “Between artistic institutionnalisation and the invention of a politically radical independent photography: a study of photographic practices and theoretical discourses in England between the end of the 1950s and the end of the 1980s”


Enseignement/ Teaching

British history 18th century, 19th century, 20th century and contemporary Britain

Visual arts : British photography from the 1960s to today.



“Ici notre défaite a commencé: la grève des mineurs britanniques (1984-1985), Mathilde Bertrand, Cornelius Crowley, Thierry Labica (Eds.). Paris: Syllepses, 2016.

Includes two chapters: “Photography and the Representation of the Miners' Strike: Extension of the Conflict to the Visual Field”, “Interview with Nigel Dickinson: Photographing the Strike at Lea Hall, 1984-87”.

« The Photographic Archive of the Community Development Projects, 1976 », Conference proceedings of the Photography and Britishness Conference, Yale Center for British Arts, British Art Studies, N°4, November 2016.

“'A Tool for Social Change': Community Photography at Belfast Exposed”, Peer-Reviewed LISA e- journal [On line],, July 2015.

“The Politics of Representation and the Subversion of the Landscape in Ingrid Pollard's Pastoral Interlude (1987)”, E-Crini, Revue du Centre de Recherche sur les Identités Nationales et l'Interculturalité, « The American and British Nations in Contemporary Landscape Photography », N° 7, Ed. Jane Bayly, Julie Morère, Université de Nantes, November 2014. [online] http://www.crini.univ- pagelibre/&RH=1417017437888

“London – New York: the Crossover of a Modernist Conception of Photography”, in Londres – New York : échanges, influences, croisements dans les arts et la littérature, Éds. Claudine Armand, Pierre Degott et Jean-Philippe Heberlé. Éditions Universitaires de Lorraine, 2012, pp. 135-148.

Conférences /conferences

"“The Community Development Projects in the United Kingdom in the 1970s”, Journée d'étude "Société, culture, communauté au Royaume-Uni, 1970-79", Université de Paris-Ouest Nanterre, 13 janvier 2017.

"The photographic archive of the Community Development Projects - 1968-1978", Conference Britishness and Photography, Yale Centre for British Art, 4-5 Nov 2016.

"The Women’s Peace Camp at Greenham Common (1981-2000): political and symbolic uses of women’s bodies in peace activism", "Corps en politique/ Bodies and Politics" Conference, Université Paris-Est Créteil, 7-9 September 2016.

"“Making the Art of Fun Freely Accessible”: Leisure Practices as Tools of Emancipation in Community Art Experiments in Britain in the 1970s." Conference on "the Cultures and Politics of Leisure in the British Isles and in the United States", Université Paris-Sorbonne, 6-7 nov 2015

Séminaires de recherche / Research seminars

“The Photographic Archive of the Community Development Projects: Questions on Documentary Representation and Activism in the Context of the Archive”, Camera Memoria, Research Seminar at Université Paris-Diderot, 20th January 2017.

“The community arts movement in Britain in the 1970s: popular expressions and cultural resistance ”, Popular Cultures Seminar, Reims University, 2nd February 2016.

“Community photography in Britain in the 1970 et 1980: methodological perspectives for the study of radical independent practices”, Franco-British History Seminar, Paris Sorbonne University, 6th January 2016.

“Origins, development and politics of community photography practices in Britain, 1970s-1980s”, Research Seminar on Theories of Culture at the Centre for Research of the Anglophone World, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, 30th March 2015.

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