Barrett Susan, MCF, Commonwealth

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Maître de conférences
Agrégée d’anglais


Littérature et civilisation de l’Afrique du Sud et de l’Australie


Articles et chapitres d’ouvrages collectifs

“Representations of South Africa in the novels and essays of Olive Schreiner”, Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 32 (1), 2009. pp. 87-98.

“The Translation and Marketing of Australian literature in France”, in Bernard Hickey, a Roving Cultural Ambassador : Essays in His Memory, eds. Maria Renata Dolce, Antonella Riem Natale, Udine: Forum, 2009. pp.51-60.

“John Maxwell Coetzee” in Guide des littératures d’Irlande et du Commonwealth des origines à nos jours. ed. Jean Pouvelle, Jean-Pierre Demarche. Ellipses, 2008. pp. 219-222.

“Motherhood and Death in the Work of Olive Schreiner” in Of Mothers and Death: from Procreation to Creation” eds. Elisabeth Lamothe, Pascale Sardin, Julie Sauvage, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2008. pp 25-44.

“Exile and Return in the Novels of Nadine Gordimer.” Ed. Michele Gibault,. Exils, Migrations, Créations. Paris : Indigo, 2008. pp. 69-81

“Daughters of the Empire to the Rescue: Female Adventure Novels in Southern Africa and Australia” in Aventures, eds. Hervé Fourtina, Nathalie Jaëck, Joël Richard, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux 2008. pp. 155-166.

“French Kookaburras and Australian Nightingales: Looking to France and Back to Australia in Works by Marion Halligan and Mary Moody”. Sue Ryan (ed). Regards Croisés / Cross-Cultural Perspectives France / Australia. Les Indes Savantes, 2008. pp. 129-142.

« ‘Le Premier homme né blanc’ : réécriture et révision de l’histoire australienne dans Benang. Actes du colloque Paroles de Vainqueurs, paroles de vaincus : réécritures et révisions. ed. Pilar Martinez-Vasseur, Michel Feith, Patrice Neau. Nantes : Crini, 2008.

“Stolen Motherhood: Mothers, Truth and Reconciliation in Australia and South Africa” Reconciliation in Perspective. Ed. Martine Piquet, Les Cahiers du Ciclas, 11, 2007. pp.109-120.

“The First White Man Born: Social Darwinism revisited in Kim Scott’s Novel Benang”. Les Carnets du Cerpac 5, 2007. pp. 91-108.

“So That Those Who Remain Will Always Remember: Aboriginal Culture and Memory in Plains of Promise and Benang. Ed. Xtephanos Stephanides, Nephie Christodoulides, Antonis Balasopoulos, Cultures of Memory, Memories of Culture. University of Nicosia Press, 2007. pp.269-282.

“Transporting the Last Tasmanian Aborigines in Contemporary Australian Fiction” ed. Michèle Lurdos & Judith Misrahi-Barak, Transport(s) in the British Empire and the Commonwealth. Les Carnets du Cerpac 4, 2007. pp. 185-202.

« ‘Papa, qu’as-tu fait pendant l’apartheid ?’ La mémoire historique des romanciers sud-africains blancs ». La mémoire historique : interroger, reconstruire, transmettre. (eds.) R. Mogin-Martin, R. Caplan, C. Dumas, E. Fisbach. Presses de l’Université d’Angers, 2006.

“Looking to the (M)Otherland: Cultural Identities in the Work of Olive Schreiner and Rosa Praed.” Cultural Perspectives. Journal for Literary and British Cultural Studies in Romania. 10, 2005. pp. 40-52.

“Writing Towards Revolution : Menán du Plessis’s anti-apartheid novels.” Ed. Evelyne Hanquart-Turner. Violence d’Etat, parole libératrice et colonialisme. Val de Marne : CEREC, 2005. pp. 95-106.

“Reconstructing Australia’s Shameful Past in Life-writing, Fiction and Film.” Représentation et reconstruction du passé / Representing and Reconstructing the Past. Lignes II, Printemps/été 2005.

“What I say will not be understood”: Intertextuality as a subversive force in Nadine Gordimer’s Burger’s Daughter”. Revue d’etudes anglophones: E-Rea : 2.1 Printemps 2004. pp. 115-121.

“’Oh to be in Africa now that April’s there’: Demythologising the Motherland in White South African Women’s Writing”. Ed. Evelyne Hanquart-Turner. Mythologies of the (M)otherland: Mythologies de la mère patrie et de la terre d’accueil.. Val de Marne : CEREC 2004. pp. 13-24.

“No Past, No Future: The Absence of Time in Late White Apartheid Novels.” Ed. Ronald Shusterman. Des Histoires du Temps: Conceptions et représentations de la temporalité. Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2003. pp. 203-216.

“No Place for a Woman? Barbara Baynton’s Bush Studies”. Journal of the Short Story in English, 40 2003. pp. 85-96.

“Une tour à soi: the bone people de Keri Hulme”. Ed. Claude Cohen-Safir, Résonances : Les Femmes et l’espace. 7 2003. pp. 39-46.

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