Submission guidelines

Editorial policies

DESI: A Journal of South Asian Diasporas publishes original manuscripts in English or French in thematic or miscellaneous issues, book reviews and notes, and also different sections.

The editorial board is responsible for the content of each issue and organizes the evaluation of submitted articles. The evaluation process follows the international norms of double-blind peer review. DESI: A Journal of South Asian Diasporas is an annual publication.

The submitted articles must be original and cannot be submitted for another journal at the same time. The length of published articles is 35, 000-50, 000 signs, including bibliography), excluding illustrations, abstracts and keywords in French and English, together with a short title.


1/ Evaluation or articles

Each article is analysed and evaluated three times, by two external evaluators, by the issue's coordinators and by one member of the editorial board. The articles are therefore sent, either by the journal or by the coordinator, to two reading committee evaluators or external experts (according to their scientific expertise, discipline or language). A synthesis of the evaluation reports is sent to the principal author. At this stage, the article can be either refused or accepted under condition. If the article is accepted on the condition of minor or major revision, it is once more examined, after the suggested revisions have been made by its author (s), by the first evaluators and a member of the editorial board and/of the coordinators of the issue.

The evaluation grid is available on another file "fiche_evaluation_desi".

2/ Proposal for thematic issues

Desi receive s and discusses theme proposals addressed to its members.


Desi’s vocation is not to publish the proceedings of one-day seminars or conferences, or « ready-made » issues.

The Call for Papers must be open and widely published.

Proposal for thematic issues (3, 000 – 5, 000 signs) must contain:

· A title,

· Its scientific standing point within the field of diasporic studies, and the empirical, methodological, theoretical, empirical outlooks of the thematic issue.

· A bibliography,

· The different avenues to be pursued in the Call for Paper.

The proposals for thematic issues are sent anonymously to the editorial committee at -@- in a Word file: proposals are evaluated anonymously by the editorial committee.

Once the thematic issue is accepted, the guest editor and the editorial committee send a Call for Papers and agree on the different deadlines. A member of the editorial committee is appointed to oversee and implement the reviewing process of submitted articles.

The guest editor is associated with the editorial work and takes part in the evaluation process.

3/ Submission guidelines

Articles to be submitted electronically in (doc.) format, Times New Roman 12, single spacing. They are addressed to the editorial committee at -@-

They number 35, 000 to 50 000 signs, including the bibliography.

The articles cannot be submitted for review simultaneously at another journal

The author(s) must take care to analyse their paper: academic affiliations are indicated in the accompanying message.

Original illustrations are included in the article, once it has gone through the reviewing process.


Publishing norms:

· The title must be brief and eye-catching, containing no footnotes. A subtitle may be added.

· No more than three co-authors are accepted with their names, affiliations and e-mails.

· Moderate use of footnotes, maximum 20.

· French and English abstracts (15-25 lines), 10 French and English keywords. An English title is compulsory. Abstracts and keywords in other languages are welcome.

· Bibliographical references appear in the text (Dupont, 2006; Durand, 2004, p. xx). They appear alphabetically at the end of the text according to the following norm:


o Book: SURNAME Name, Year Title, place of publication, publisher, number of pages (xx p.).

o Book chapter, SURNAME Name, “Title chapter”, in Name Surname, Title, place of publication, publisher, pages.

o Article: NAME Surname, year, “Article Title”, Name of Journal, volume (vol.), number, pages.


· Spreadsheets are in Word format, not jpeg format.

· The source files for illustrations are sent separately, in their original format and size,

· (ai, gif, jpeg or png). Compressed files are to be avoided

· The minimal definition is 800 pixels and a 300 dpi resolution.

· The file names are explicit and refer to the illustrations mentioned in the text. (fig1. gif, fig2.jpg,…)

· Illustrations are captioned with a name, a commentary and its source.

· The illustrations must free of copyright

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