Séminaires Intersections - vendredi 3 février 2023

Producing Mass Entertainment The Serial Life of the Yellow Kid Christina Meyer

“The Serial Life of the Yellow Kid”

Christina Meyer TU Braunschweig (Brunswick))

Discutant : Nicolas Labarre


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Christina Meyer is Visiting Professor of American Studies and Teaching English as a Foreign Language in the Institute of English and American Studies at the TU Braunschweig (Brunswick), Germany. She is the author of Producing Mass Entertainment: The Serial Life of the Yellow Kid (Ohio State UP, 2019, nominated for the 2020 Eisner Award in the category “Best Academic/ Scholarly Work”), and War and Trauma Images in Vietnam War Representations (Olms, 2008). She is co-editor of New Perspectives on American Comic Books and Graphic Novels (a special edition of the journal Amerikastudien / American Studies, 2011) and Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives: Comics at the Crossroads (2013). Her most recent publication isTransmedia Practices in the Long Nineteenth Century (Routledge, 2022, co-edited with Monika Pietrzak-Franger). Her areas of research include popular culture, visual culture, periodical studies, comics studies, modernity, seriality, transmediality, children’s literature, and trauma.

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