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Numéro sous la direction de Anne-Sophie Bentz et Lola Guyot
Introduction p.5
Anne-Sophie Bentz and Lola Guyot
Diasporic mobilisations and inter-community solidarities: Negotiating South Asian subjectivity and positionality in Canada p.19
Anouck Carsignol
Guyanese Madrasis in New York City:‘it’s all about progress!’ p.49
Mathieu Claveyrolas
Tibetan Mobilisation in Canada: How Do Young Tibetans in Toronto Become Politically Active? p.79
Anne-Sophie Bentz
Temporary People, Affective Communities and Missing People The Power of Saying the Unsaid p. 115
Pascal Sieger
Book Reviews p.141
Jaffrelot Christophe, L’Inde de Modi. National-populisme et démocratie ethnique, Fayard, 2019, 352 p.
Abou Zahab Mariam, Pakistan: A Kaleidoscope of Islam, Oxford University Press, 2020, 256 p.
Paul Veyret