Windrush (1948) and Rivers of Blood (1968): Legacy and Assessment - edited by Trevor Harris,

couv Windrush

Windrush (1948) and Rivers of Blood (1968)
Legacy and Assessment

Edited by Trevor Harris

Routledge, 2020


This volume looks at Britain since 1948 – the year when the Empire Windrush brought a group of 492 hopeful Caribbean immigrants to the United Kingdom. “Post-war Britain” may still be the most common label attached to studies in contemporary British history, but the contributors to this book believe that “post-Windrush Britain” has an explanatory power which is equally useful. The objective is to study the Windrush generation and Enoch Powell’s now infamous speech not only in their original historical context but also as a key element in the political, social and cultural make-up of today’s Britain. Contributions to the book use a diversity of approaches: from the lucid, forward-looking assessment by Trevor Phillips, which opens the volume; through Patrick Vernon’s account of the legacy of Powell’s speech in Birmingham and how it inspired him to launch a national campaign for Windrush Day; to the plea from novelist and playwright Chris Hannan for a fully inclusive, national conversation to help overturn deeply ingrained prejudice in all parts of our society.

ISBN 9781032087047
244 Pages

Translating Samuel Beckett around the World - José Francisco Fernández and Pascale Sardin (Eds.)

couv translatingbeckettThe global reception of Samuel Beckett raises numerous questions: in which areas of the world was Beckett first translated? Why were Beckett texts sometimes slow to penetrate certain cultures? How were national literatures impacted by Beckett's oeuvre? Translating Samuel Beckett around the World brings together leading researchers in Beckett studies to discuss these questions and explore the fate of Beckett in their own societies and national languages. The current text provides ample coverage of the presence of Beckett in geographical contexts normally ignored by literary criticism, and reveals unknown aspects of the 1969 Nobel Prize winner interacting with translators of his work in a number of different countries.


Link to the publisher's website.


  • eBook ISBN: 978-3-030-71730-8
    Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-030-71729-2
  • DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-71730-8
  • 263 pages

Understanding Genres in Comics - Nicolas Labarre

couvunderstandinggenresincomicsLabarre, Nicolas. 2020. Understanding Genres in Comics. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

This book offers a theoretical framework and numerous cases studies – from early comic books to contemporary graphic novels – to understand the uses of genres in comics. It begins with the assumption that genre is both frequently used and undertheorized in the medium. Drawing from existing genre theories, particularly in film studies, the book pays close attention to the cultural, commercial, and technological specificities of comics in order to ground its account of the dynamics of genre in the medium. While chronicling historical developments, including the way public discourses shaped the horror genre in comics in the 1950s and the genre-defining function of crossovers, the book also examines contemporary practices, such as the use of hashtags and their relations to genres in self-published online comics.


ISBN: 978-3-030-43554-7


Additional liks;

- A mini-comic about the genesis of the project

- Publisher's website



Les traducteurs de bande dessinée - Véronique Béghain et Isabelle Licari-Guillaume

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Les traducteurs de bande dessinée, sous la direction de Véronique Béghain et d'Isabelle Licari-Guillaume, PUB.

Au milieu des années 2000, la consolidation des études sur la bande dessinée au sein de l’université coïncide avec un intérêt nouveau pour les questions de traduction. L’étude de la bande dessinée est en effet à cette époque-là devenue, non sans difficulté, une discipline disposant d’un langage partagé et d’un corpus de textes centraux, ce qui lui permet d’aborder des questions jusqu’alors inexplorées, telles la narratologie, l’adaptation et, bien sûr, la traduction. En d’autres termes, la recherche cesse de considérer la bande dessinée sous le seul angle formel et historique, pour au contraire interroger sa dimension sociale, en tant qu’objet dont l’usage et la définition sont construits par celles et ceux qui la lisent, en parlent ou la traduisent.
À travers sept contributions portant sur différentes aires linguistiques, ce volume vise à souligner la diversité des rôles endossés par celles et ceux qui traduisent, adaptent et transmettent la bande dessinée, dans des contextes marqués par de multiples contraintes techniques, économiques et culturelles. Amateurs ou professionnels, auteurs, artisans, créateurs, ces traducteurs et traductrices agissent comme les relais d’une norme collective, à l’échelle nationale ou à celle, plus réduite, d’un éditeur ou d’une communauté de fans. L’ambition de cet ouvrage est donc de poser les jalons d’une approche sociale et pragmatique de la traduction de bande dessinée, par une attention soutenue à ses enjeux, mais aussi à ses acteurs.

  • ISBN : 979-10-300-0438-0
  • Nombre de pages : 154
  • Format : 13,5 x 19
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