N°17 - Reframing Suspicion

cfp suspicion loose lipsDossier coordonné par Pascale Antolin & Chiara Battisti

Assistance de rédaction par Rose Borel


Pascale Antolin (Université Bordeaux Montaigne) & Chiara Battisti (Université de Verone)

Introduction: Reframing Suspicion [read on-line] [PDF]


Gary Watt (Université de Warwick)

“Four Species of Suspectacle” [abstract & PDF]


Nathalie Jaëck (Université Bordeaux Montaigne)

“Who Gets to be a Suspect in the Sherlock Holmes Canon? Suspicion as a Conservative Socio-political Structure or as Narrative Brio” [abstract & PDF]


Anja Meyer (Université de Verone)

“Photography as a Medium of Suspicion in Detective and Mystery Fiction” [abstract & PDF]


Sidia Fiorato (Université de Verone)

“Suspicious Identities in the Victorian Age: from Children’s Weeklies to Criminal Cases in Kate Summerscale’s The Wicked Boy[abstract & PDF]


Christophe Chambost (Université Bordeaux Montaigne)

“Of Nieces and Uncles: The Gendered Evolution of Suspicion in Shadow of a Doubt (Alfred Hitchcock, 1943) and Stoker (Park Chan-wook, 2013)” [abstract & PDF]


Roberta Zanoni (Université de Verone)

“Shakespeare’s Life and Suspicion in between Anonymous and All is True” [abstract & PDF]

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