Dossier dirigé par Pascale Antolin (CLIMAS), Nathalie Jaëck (CLIMAS) et Arnaud Schmitt (CLIMAS)
Introduction: “‘The Decay of Lying’: Wilde’s Paradox in Earnest” [Lire en ligne] et [PDF]
“American Gaslight” [PDF]
“Do We Lie to Ourselves? Making Sense of the Past through Inaccurate Memories” [abstract and PDF]
Political lies on both sides of the Atlantic
“Cold War Anxieties, Patriotism, and Religious Antinuclearism in the Texas Panhandle” [abstract and PDF]
“Lying in the Practice of British Diplomacy” [abstract and PDF]
« Fortitude, GARBO et le rempart de mensonges » [abstract and PDF]
Literary lies
“Three Shakespearean Liars” [abstract and PDF]
“‘Truth to the fact and a good spirit in the treatment.’ Lying and Truth in Robert Louis Stevenson’s Pivotal Years” [abstract and PDF]
« Une vie à se mentir : The Life and Death of Harriett Frean (1922) de May Sinclair » [abstract and PDF]
“Doubt vs. Lies in Malcolm Bradbury’s Novel, Doctor Criminale” [abstract and PDF]
“Lying in Sam Taylor’s The Island at the End of the World” [abstract and PDF]
« Mensonge intime, soupçon collectif : la Notion de péché dans Before, During, After de Richard Bausch » [abstract and PDF]
“Lies that Tell the Truth: Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts” [abstract and PDF]
“Foregrounding and Backgrounding Intimacy in Family Narratives: The Ethics of Representing Children in Maggie O’Farrell’s I Am, I Am, I Am and Sally Mann’s Hold Still” [abstract and PDF]
Paroles d’écrivain
Entretien avec Nicole Ollier [PDF]
Rémy Duthille. Le Discours radical en Grande-Bretagne, 1768-1789. Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 2017. [PDF]
Reviewed by Rachel Rogers (CAS, Université Toulouse 2)
Marc Midan. Le Démon de l’allusion. Figures miltoniennes dans L’Escroc de Melville. Paris : Éditions rue d’Ulm, 2019. [PDF]
Recension par Michel Imbert (LARCA, Université de Paris)